N'attendez pas le futur, créez le !

11 - 12 mai 2021 (nuit & jour)

Future of Agriculture & Food


L’événement de l’année sur le futur de l’agriculture

  • 48h de programme (en live & replay)

  • Un événement hybride unique

  • Des activités en présentiel organisées en Nouvelle-Zélande

  • 100% des conférences disponibles en ligne en direct

  • +20 intervenants internationaux

  • +30 keynotes, workshops, stands, sessions de networking

  • Une session en français* ouverte à tous

  • Un programme Corporate dédié

*La majorité des intervenants s’exprimeront en anglais




Les intervenants


Paul Polman

Co-founder and Chair, IMAGINE; Former CEO, Unilever

Dr Sandhya Sriram

Co-founder and CEO, Shiok Meats

Tangaroa Walker

Founder, Farm 4 Life


Miran Burdon

Co-founder, Food Nation

Logan Williams

Managing Director, Keravos

Melissa Clark-Reynolds

Director, Atkins Ranch

Jono Frew

Co-founder, Quorum Sense; Founder, Natural Performance Ltd

Lindy Nelson

Founder, Agri Women's Development Trust

Daan Roosegaarde

founder of Studio Roosegaarde, where “art meets science.”


Nicole Masters

Founder, Integrity Soils

Dr Jason Wargent

Founder, BioLumic

Amy Novogratz

Founder, Aqua-Spark


Dr Steve Meller

Founder and CEO, CH4 Global

Louisa Burwood-Taylor

Chief Editor, AgFunder; Founder, Agri Investor

Dr Ian Yule

Research Director, PlantTech Research


Mike Taitoko

Co-founder, Toha; CEO, Calm the Farm


Mavis Mullins

Mistress of Ceremony


Sir Ian Taylor

Founder, HyperFarm


Lisa Booth

Founder and CEO, Kete Kai

Geoff Ross

Founder, 42BELOW Vodka; Director, Lake Hawea Station

Wim de Koning

Executive Director, B.linc Innovation; Co-founder, Lincoln University’s Energy Farm


Dave Maslen

GM Markets and Sustainability, NZ Merino


Tané Hunter

Co-founder, Future Crunch


Session française ouverte au public




Accès anonyme à la session française du 12 mai de 12:30 à 14:00 sur “Les futurs de l’alimentation”. Diffusée sur boma-france.com en partenariat avec le HuffingtonPost.




Accès personnel à l’ensemble du programme en ligne via la plateforme digitale de Boma.



Accès de groupe à l’ensemble du programme en ligne via la plateforme digitale de Boma.

Organisation d’un atelier dédié de scenario planning sur le thème des futurs de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation avec vos équipes.

Le programme


Conçu par Boma New-Zealand & Boma France

2 jours et 2 nuits pour

Découvrir les tendances futures qui auront un impact sur les secteurs de l'alimentation et de l’agriculture et ce qu'il faut faire pour vous y préparer.

Participer aux débats sur certaines des questions les plus épineuses auxquelles le secteur agricole est confronté aujourd'hui.

Entrer en contact avec des personnes et des organisations qui s'efforcent d'aider les industries de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation à comprendre, à s'adapter et à se développer dans un monde qui ne ressemblera en rien à celui d'aujourd'hui.

Plonger dans des études de cas issues du monde entier - ce qui a été tenté, ce qui a marché, ce qui n'a pas marché, ce qui est temporaire et ce qui sera durable à l'avenir.


Heure de Paris GMT+2


Nuit 1

11 Mai 12:00 AM : Session 1 (Live)

  • Welcome

  • Tané Hunter, co-founder, FutureCrunch: Farming's brave new world [virtual]

  • Geoff Ross, founder, 42BELOW Vodka; director, Lake Hawea Station: Growing a world-class brand from NZ

  • Louisa Burwood-Taylor, chief editor, AgFunder; founder, Agri Investor: Trends and insights from the global front line [virtual]

  • Miranda Burdon, co-founder, Food Nation: Transforming food systems for planet, people and profit

  • Alexey Rostapshov, head of JD Labs and sustainability, John Deere: What the future looks like on a billion-acre scale

11 Mai 02:50 AM : Session 2 (Live)

  • Melissa Clark-Reynolds, ONZM, independent director including Atkins Ranch: Where strategy meets ethics

  • The Aotearoa Circle introduces the Sustainable Agri Finance Initiative

  • Money money money! A panel featuring:

  1. Dana Muir, head of natural capital, BNZ

  2. Prem Maan, executive chairman, Southern Pastures

  3. Ross Pennington, co-chair of the Sustainable Finance Forum

11 Mai 04:00 AM : Session 3 (Live)

  • Virtual : Australian Agritech Panel, moderated by Peter Wren-Hilton (founder & CEO, Wharf42), and featuring Andrew Coppin (chair, Australian Agritech Association; chair and managing director, Farmbot Monitoring Solutions), John Harvey (managing director, AgriFutures Australia); Dr Penny Schultz (chair, SA Cattle Industry Fund Board; immediate past Vice President, Livestock SA); Professor Owen Atkin (director, the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology)

11 Mai 05:20 AM : Session 4 (Live)

  • Steve Meller, founder, CH4 Global: Getting to zero emissions without reducing stock numbers [virtual]

  • Logan Williams, founder, Keravos: A new invention—and a formula for moving from volume to value

  • Lisa Booth, founder, Kete Kai: Building a platform to eradicate hunger in Aotearoa by 2030

  • Paul Polman, chairman, IMAGINE; former CEO, Unilever: Lessons from leading with purpose at a major multinational [virtual]

  • Tangaroa Walker, founder, Farm 4 Life: A different way to educate the next generation of farmersner & performances live

Jour 1

11 Mai 09:00 AM GMT+2 : Session 1 (Replay)

  • Welcome

  • Tané Hunter, co-founder, FutureCrunch: Farming's brave new world [virtual]

  • Geoff Ross, founder, 42BELOW Vodka; director, Lake Hawea Station: Growing a world-class brand from NZ

  • Louisa Burwood-Taylor, chief editor, AgFunder; founder, Agri Investor: Trends and insights from the global front line [virtual]

  • Miranda Burdon, co-founder, Food Nation: Transforming food systems for planet, people and profit

  • Alexey Rostapshov, head of JD Labs and sustainability, John Deere: What the future looks like on a billion-acre scale

11 Mai 11:30 AM GMT+2 : Session 2 (Replay)

  • Melissa Clark-Reynolds, ONZM, independent director including Atkins Ranch: Where strategy meets ethics

  • The Aotearoa Circle introduces the Sustainable Agri Finance Initiative

  • Money money money! A panel featuring:

  1. Dana Muir, head of natural capital, BNZ

  2. Prem Maan, executive chairman, Southern Pastures

  3. Ross Pennington, co-chair of the Sustainable Finance Forum

11 Mai 02:00 PM GMT+2 : Session 4 (Replay)

  • Steve Meller, founder, CH4 Global: Getting to zero emissions without reducing stock numbers [virtual]

  • Logan Williams, founder, Keravos: A new invention—and a formula for moving from volume to value

  • Lisa Booth, founder, Kete Kai: Building a platform to eradicate hunger in Aotearoa by 2030

  • Paul Polman, chairman, IMAGINE; former CEO, Unilever: Lessons from leading with purpose at a major multinational [virtual]

  • Tangaroa Walker, founder, Farm 4 Life: A different way to educate the next generation of farmersner & performances live


Nuit 2

11 Mai 11:00PM : Session 1 (Live)

  • Daan Roosegaarde, artist: Looking at the natural world through a different lens [virtual]

  • Dr Jason Wargent, founder, BioLumic: Programming plants with light

  • Lindy Nelson, MNZM, founder, Agri-Women's Development Trust: The importance of belonging

  • Dr Ian Yule, research director, PlantTech: Precision farming from the sky

  • Amy Novogratz, co-founder, Aqua-Spark Ventures: Transforming the aquaculture industry [virtual]

12 Mai 01:30AM : Session 2 (Live)

  • Jono Frew, founder, Quorum Sense; director, Natural Performance Ltd and Symbiosis Ag: Farming with nature for a healthy future

  • Nicole Masters, director, Integrity Soils: A powerful path to superhero soil

  • Dave Maslen introduces the ZQ on-farm standard

12 Mai 01:30AM : Session 3 - Workshops (Live)

  • Virtual: Nicole Masters: Digging deeper

12 Mai 04:30AM : Session 4 (Live)

  • Mike Taitoko, co-founder, Calm the Farm: Farming our way to a more resilient future

  • Dr Sandhya Sriram, co-founder and CEO, Shiok Meats: Growing seafood using cells [virtual]

  • Sir Ian Taylor, founder, Animation Research Limited: A digital replica of a farm, but why?

Jour 2

12 Mai 09:00AM : Session 1 (Replay)

  • Daan Roosegaarde, artist: Looking at the natural world through a different lens [virtual]

  • Dr Jason Wargent, founder, BioLumic: Programming plants with light

  • Lindy Nelson, MNZM, founder, Agri-Women's Development Trust: The importance of belonging

  • Dr Ian Yule, research director, PlantTech: Precision farming from the sky

  • Amy Novogratz, co-founder, Aqua-Spark Ventures: Transforming the aquaculture industry [virtual]

12 Mai 11:30AM : Session 2 (Replay)

  • Jono Frew, founder, Quorum Sense; director, Natural Performance Ltd and Symbiosis Ag: Farming with nature for a healthy future

  • Nicole Masters, director, Integrity Soils: A powerful path to superhero soil

  • Dave Maslen introduces the ZQ on-farm standard

12 Mai 12:30PM : Session française (Live)

  • Les futurs de l’alimentation. Diffusée en accès libre en partenariat avec le HuffingtonPost.

12 Mai 02:00PM : Session 4 (Replay)

  • Mike Taitoko, co-founder, Calm the Farm: Farming our way to a more resilient future

  • Dr Sandhya Sriram, co-founder and CEO, Shiok Meats: Growing seafood using cells [virtual]

  • Sir Ian Taylor, founder, Animation Research Limited: A digital replica of a farm, but why?
